Our Core Values
1. Biblical preaching and teaching The Bible is the authoritative, inerrant and inspired Word of God and is therefore essential for experiencing and growing in a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ. 2. Evangelism Sharing the Good News of Jesus is both an incredible privilege and a compelling obligation for all who love the Lord, and is most effective when expressed in and through personal relationships with others. 3. Worship Acknowledging that Almighty God is worthy of the highest praise, we offer up our lives and our service in humble devotion to Him in a variety of ways. In our singing, we endeavor to blend the best of the music and lyrics that God has inspired from ancient times right up to and including the present. In all we do, we celebrate the Might and Power of our Creator, His rescuing Love and Mercy, the urgent call of His Lordship, and the joyful privilege both individually and as a body of believers to worship Him. 4. Discipleship Maturing in our relationship with Jesus, we share our lives with others who have come to Know and love Him in meaningful ways in order to stimulate their own growth in Jesus until they too experience the joy of leading others to know and love Him. 5. Stewardship Recognizing that everything we have comes from God, we humbly endeavor to use our time, our gifts, our possessions, all we have in order to bless the lives of those in need around us. |