Believing the Bible to be our final authority for faith and Christian living, we affirm the following:
We have been enjoying a creative and interesting approach to worship whereby we carefully select and sing along with traditional hymns with new upbeat settings as well as meaningful contemporary worship songs, with the assistance of an online music website.
We also have a few musicians who have formed a worship team that leads us in singing a variety of hymns and choruses. We love to sing and have a lot of enthusiasm for worship in a truly Spirit filled environment. "God Moments" are shared each week about how God is working in and through our lives as we pray for one another. At the end of the service the pastor prays at the altar with anyone who comes forward with a special need. The pastor's sermons are clearly based on the Bible with practical applications to our daily life, How about coming out and being a part of an exciting chapter in the life of Christ Evangelical's rejoicing saints of God?!!! |
Our Denominational Affiliation
Christ Evangelical Church is one of approximately 135 congregations of The Evangelical Congregational Church located in the United States. Found mostly in central and eastern Pennsylvania, the EC denomination dates back to the early 1800’s when Jacob Albright, a Pennsylvania-German farmer and tile-maker from Lancaster County, and also a Class Leader in a local Methodist Church, responded to a call from God to preach. A difference of opinion with a Methodist Bishop over the longevity of the use of German as a viable language led to Albright’s eventual establishment of far-flung preaching circuits among German-speaking immigrants in many counties of south central Pennsylvania. In relatively short time God blessed the spread of “Albright’s People” far and wide, and a new denomination known as “The Evangelical Association” was born. Approximately two hundred years later, the EC Church has congregations, in addition to the many in central and eastern PA, in western PA, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Ohio, Illinois, and Kentucky. There is huge block of EC Churches (more than 400) in northeast India, several in Japan, as well as, missions in Liberia, Mexico, and Nepal. We also have several missionaries serving under the direction of many other missionary agencies. Visit our denominational website by clicking on |